38 Items by auctions and galleries:
volkstedt porcelain factory
Lot 741 Arthur Storch (Volkstedt/Thür. 1870 - Cumbach bei Rudolstadt 1947). Parrot with corn on the cob on a tree trunk.
Arthur Storch (1870 - 1947)
Kunst und Antiquitäten 

Arthur Storch
22.03.1870 - 09.03.1947
Arthur Storch was a German sculptor and porcelain modeller.
Born and raised in a family of artists, Storch was trained as a modeller at the Volkstädter porcelain factory and then studied at the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts. Having established himself as a sculptor and medallist, he worked in Munich and Hamburg, and contributed to architectural jewellery in cities such as Wiesbaden and Hamburg. His legacy includes around 100 drawings, 12 medals and 40 sculptures.

Auktionshaus Stahl
Kunst und Antiquitäten
Date: 25.05.2024 11:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 547